Thursday, January 19, 2017

[Throwback Thursday #1] Computers


Advancements in technology have greatly improved the computing power available to people all over the world. The earliest electronic computers filled rooms the size of the MMS gym. They had enough processing power to do complex mathematical calculations and not much else. Computers today are small enough to literally fit in your pocket or on your wrist. Computers today have enough processing power to play videos and music, capture photos and video, navigate directions, and add cute dog-faces to your selfies.

For this Throwback Thursday activity, you will do some research to compare and contrast early computers with modern computers. You will answer the following questions in your journal. Label this assignment Throwback Thursday #1. It is due before the end of the next class period.


  1. Define the term INFLATION as it relates to money.
  2. One of the first major computers was called ENIAC. When was ENIAC built and how much did it cost?
  3. Use this inflation calculator and find out how much ENIAC would have cost to build in 2016.
  4. [BONUS] Determine the percentage increase in cost to build ENIAC.
  5. Research some information about the actual computing power of ENIAC. What was it capable of doing? How many calculations per second was ENIAC able to do?
  6. Find a modern computer that you would like to buy. Write down the name of the computer and how much it will cost.
  7. How much cheaper is the modern computer compared to ENIAC when using the 2016 prices?
  8. Research some information about the computing power of the new computer. How many calculations per second is a modern computer able to do?
  9. What were some of the major advancements in technology since the time ENIAC was built that allowed computers to get faster, smaller, and cheaper?