Tuesday, January 9, 2018

[Assignment] Video Editing Basics

We are starting a lesson on video editing. Students that have taken T.V. production class will be familiar with most of this information. Before we start creating masterpieces we need to study the basics. Today you will need to do some basic research to develop some background knowledge on the topic.

Shot Types

You need to research at least six different shot types used in video recording and editing. You need to record the following information in your journal:

  1. Name of the shot type.
  2. Short description of the shot type.
  3. Reason for using the shot type.
  4. Make a small sketch in your journal of what that shot type looks like.
MediaCollege.com is an excellent resource for this information.

The Rule of Thirds

In photography and video editing there is a concept known as The Rule of Thirds. In your journal please do the following:

  1. Write a definition for the rule of thirds.
  2. Sketch a picture representing the rule of thirds.
  3. Write a short explanation on why to use the rule of thirds.

Story boarding

Story boarding is a technique used in video production, game design, and other creative projects. Use your research skills to answer the following questions:

  1. What is the purpose of story boarding?
  2. Who is generally involved in the story boarding process?
  3. Briefly describe the story board process. What are the steps used in story boarding?

This is due before you leave today.