Monday, January 29, 2018

[In Your Journal] Meme Monday #04


  1. Explain why not wasting time with school work is an important skill to learn.

  2. Choose one of the following:
    1. Describe an actual example of a situation where you wasted your time on a project, household chore, or other task.

    2. Describe an actual example of a situation where you finished a project, household chore, or other task ahead of schedule.

  3. Describe how the example above made you feel.

  4. List at least two tips or pieces of advice for using time efficiently.
  5. Bonus: Identify the movie from which this image meme was taken.

Time for Completion: [20 Minutes]

This assignment will be checked before the end of this class period.

Students that are present, but do not complete this assignment will:

  1. Lose 15 minutes of computer access time during the next class. Students that still do not complete the assignment will lose computer access until it is complete.

  2. Receive 50% credit for the assignment once it is finished. Students that do not submit it by the end of the next class period will receive a zero. They will still need to complete it to regain computer access.