Monday, October 23, 2017

[Philosophical Chairs #01] Parents Should Have Access to the Social Media Accounts of their Children.


The topic for a Philosophical Chairs activity is always a question. Participants in the activity begin by choosing one of three viewpoints on this topic:

  1. I agree, because...
  2. I disagree, because...
  3. I am undecided, because...

Students will do some background research on the topic so they can have an informed discussion. For this activity, everyone must read this CBS News article. You must also find one additional article to read.

Once you have read both articles you will write a one paragraph summary for each article. Answer at least the following:

  1. Describe the most important person, place, or thing in this article.
  2. What was the main idea of this article?
  3. What is one question you would ask the author of this article?
Your summaries are due by the end of the next class period.

During the next class period, students will have an in-class discussion. Students will follow these rules for the discussion.

Failure to Complete

Students that do not submit this assignment by the due date will receive a 20 minute time-out the next class period after they have submitted the article summaries.